
Showing posts from 2017

Are you Bored?


True Love Is

True Love is the essence of inner natural beauty

Make the best

Make the best of today, it is a ready and ripe field, so plant good seeds.

Spiritually Unconscious?

Spiritually unconscious? Don't be a part of the dead, be a part of the living, willing, seeing, hearing, knowing, and striving.

Morning View

The best pick me up of the day isn't a cup of coffee, it is the true understanding and controlling of self

In Life, your pain




A True Love

             A True Love! Everyone may try to apply, but only that true one will gain your heart


                                         Age is just a number it's the soul that sows the seeds


                                                         Stop being bitter and you will get better



In Life

In life don't allow meaningless intrusions, accept meaningful productions.

True Structure.

The true structure of everyone's intelligence should always be put forth to know what they will and will not stand for


The way someone treats you will always tell of their intentions, be quiet, aware, and observed


When you look at it, Intimidating and bullying are the same, It's just that one has a diplomatic sound, and the other one is commonly named.


Life is the most difficult exam, and some people will fail it when they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has different questions diverted in different ways

Your Mind

The mind is like a vacuum it regenerates and regurgitates what you think


The consistency of a good leader is leading from a Truthful Loving heart

Why Drink?

Why drink? Alcohol is a very potent and dissolving agent of elements it dissolves the human body families marriages friendships jobs financial savings neurons and life but never problems


It is not about appearance get a soul attraction instead of a facial deception

I Am

I am keeping my own company because I don't need any selfish intrusions and gameplay

The Light

It is the light that urges the flowers to open their hearts to individuals of the world


Snakes always slither out of the grass they are hiding in


Consciousness Perceive all


Money cannot buy the Authenticity of a Loving heart


Be always a Truthful leader that will lead a flock to better ground

The Soul

The soul speaks words that only a True heart understands

A Father

A father is the structure of the family and he should know his fatherly duties

A Father

A father is the structure of the family and he should know his True standing of fatherly duties

Your True Smile

Let your true smile be like the Sunflower ‘‘ Brilliant ’’

Mother Nature

Mother nature has no boundaries she is free to naturally create and represent herself

Your Life

Your life has no remote and if you do not like what you are seeing get up and change it yourself

Good Management.


A Starting Point.




Going a positive way.


True Essence




When Trust is broken




Growing Up

Sometimes children do grow up and some might learn how to put away the childish toys

A Difference

There is a difference between immature and maturity


It's wise to be wise


Love is a four-letter word with a big meaning it should always be shown and never go out of season


Having confidence in yourself breaks the chains of doubt

The Heart

The heart is the instrument of Love it refutes lies and embrace Love

A Reproductive Mind

A productive mind is a mind with influential understanding and profiles

Show Respect

Keep calm just show respect to gain respect

Love Self

Keep calm and love self, but not in a puffed up pride way

Love life

Keep calm and Love life

A Good Change.

A good change can come from anyone, it's just a matter of willing yourself to Truly change for the better and never worst.